Rittwiese 22
74842 Billigheim-Sulzbach
Telephone +49 (0) 62 65 – 92 7636 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 62 65 – 92 7636 60
Directions coming from Frankfurt/Karlsruhe:
You are coming from the Autobahn A61 Frankfurt – Karlsruhe.
- At interchange (Kreuz) Walldorf near Mannheim/Heidelberg, you turn onto the A6 in the direction of Mannheim.
- The second exit after Kreuz Walldorf is the exit Sinsheim.
- After taking the exit, turn left in the direction of Mosbach.
- Drive about 25km to Mosbach on the B292.
- After about 5km you get to Sulzbach (section of Billigheim).
- Turn left in the direction of Billigheim.
- After 200m (at a 90 degree right turn bend) take the first possible left
(Street name: Friedhofstrasse).
- After 200m take the first possible left (Street name: Heuäckerstrasse )
- After 200m take the first possible left (Street name: Am Dorfteich )
- We are the last house on the left side.
Directions coming from Stuttgart:
You are coming from the Autobahn A81 Stuttgart – Heilbronn.
- At interchange (Kreuz) Weinsberg, you turn onto the A6 in the direction of Mannheim.
- The first exit after Kreuz Weinsberg is the exit Heilbronn/Neckarsulm.
- The exit divides into the 1st. junction in the direction of Mosbach B27 and the 2nd. junction in the direction of Heilbronn/Neckarsulm
- B27. You take the 1st. junction in the direction of Mosbach until you get to the junction Bad Friedrichshall on the B27.
- Then, in Bad Friedrichshall you turn left in the direction of Billigheim/Schefflenz.
- Now you continue in the direction of Billigheim and Schefflenz, through Untergriesheim and Allfeld until you reach Sulzbach (section of Billigheim).
- In Sulzbach, turn right in the direction of Billigheim.
- After 200m (at a 90 degree right turn bend) take the first possible left
(Street name: Friedhofstrasse).
- After 200m take the first possible left (Street name: Heuäckerstrasse )
- After 200m take the first possible left (Street name: Am Dorfteich )
- We are the last house on the left side.
Directions coming from Würzburg:
You are coming from the Autobahn A81 Würzburg – Heilbronn.
- You take the exit Möckmühl.
- At the exit, turn left in the direction of Möckmühl / Züttlingen.
- In Züttlingen, turn left in the direction of Neudenau.
- In Neudenau, turn right in the direction of Billigheim / Allfeld.
- Drive through Allfeld in the direction of Sulzbach (section of Billigheim)
- In Sulzbach, turn right in the direction of Billigheim
- After 200m (at a 90 degree right turn bend) take the first possible left
(Street name: Friedhofstrasse).
- After 200m take the first possible left (Street name: Heuäckerstrasse )
- After 200m take the first possible left (Street name: Am Dorfteich )
- We are the last house on the left side.